RESCUE’s top tips For Exam Season

Neva is currently mid way through her GCSEs, Lochlan has just handed in his final piece for his HND and Xene has just completed her second year of uni, so stress levels have been pretty high here for the last few weeks! Neva is now over halfway, and is counting down the days until she … Read more

Coping With Troubled Teens

Dealing with troubled teenagers can be a tough challenge for any family. Teens can be very stubborn, and sometimes it may seem like they purposely do the opposite of what parents want. Each teen is a little different and they all have their own personal problems, but there are a few simple guidelines that can … Read more

5 Ways Teens Can Prepare for Their First Job

Getting your first job is a timeless rite of passage for teens. It can exciting and intimidating. As their parents, you want to be sure that they are ready for the challenges that face them in the professional world. Buying them a couple of work outfits and helping them write a resume is a great … Read more

How to help your teen stay focused during exam time

This week sees the beginning of GCSE mock exams, Neva has an English language and Maths Paper today with lots more scheduled over the next two weeks, before preparing for the actual exams in May/June of this year, this is now the third one of our children to go through the process, but it does … Read more

College Prep: 8 Things You Can Do to Help Your Child

Sending your child off to college is a crazy, chaotic, stressful, and entirely wonderful thing to do. You know they’re going away to get their education and learn how to thrive in the world, and yet you can’t help feeling a certain sense of loss—your baby won’t be around anymore. To a parent, the whole … Read more

Looking For A New Challenge For Your Teen ?

Back in the summer you may remember I asked you if your teen would be signing up to the National Citizen Service, a programme that brings together young people from different backgrounds for a unique shared experience, it was established to help build a ore cohesive, mobile and engaged society. Well, its not just for … Read more

Small & Big Embarrassments With A Teen At Home

Ah, adolescence. If you were to summarise this period of your life in one word, it would probably be embarrassment. It’s the time when the body changes and there is nothing that you can do or say to stop it – let alone try to control it. More importantly, it’s also the time when your … Read more

Enamel Pins – My Kids Love Them

When I was growing up I can remember having an entire jam jar filled with pin badges, everytime I went out on a trip somewhere I would buy a little badge, and it seems my children all share the same love, both Neva and Xene have their jackets filled with different badges and they are … Read more