Beach Rugby Here I Come!

Well yesterday morning was the first time I had seen 4.30am for a long time, did you know it is light already! In fact the last time I saw that time of morning I was probably coming home from a nightclub, fifteen years ago! I was up so early I went and let the chickens … Read more

Internet Food Shopping has returned!

Up until three weeks ago I happily trotted round the supermarket for the weekly groceries, however since the birth of Tyrus, the mere thought of traipsing two children around the shops fills me with dread, so it’s back to the computer, where I can feed Tyrus and order food at the same time via internet … Read more

Xene’s Last Day at Middle School

Today my eldest Xene had her last day at Middle school, her year is transferring to High School on Monday for three weeks before the Summer holidays, to settle them in. So the question of leaving school in style had been discussed, in previous years it had been various different coloured Limos lining the school playground, … Read more