When A Rugby Scrum Goes Wrong! Not for the Squeamish

Last Saturday Asa began his 16th Rugby season at Broadland-Great Yarmouth RFC, they were playing away at Fakenham, so we kissed him goodbye and told him to “catch a fly” when kaide was little he could never say “Score A Try” so it has just stuck!!The afternoon passed like any other, until I received a phonecall … Read more

SpinMania Game Review and Giveaway

You will have worked out by now that our family LOVE playing games, of any sort, so when I was asked if we would like to review Drumond Park’s New Plate Spinning Game, Spin Mania we jumped at the chance.     The game consists of a motorised Spinning Machine with an electronic timer, three … Read more

First Toyologist Review – Chocolate Lolly Maker

So, here is our first review for Toys R Us Toyologists…. When we received the list of toys we were going to review, the children were ecstatic about the chocolate lolly maker, they had seen it advertised on television numerous times and they all seemed very keen, I was not convinced! This was the first … Read more

We Are Toylogists hooray

We are very proud to announce that The Morrisons have been chosen to be one of the 24 Toys R us Toyolgists for 2012. We will be testing out The Blue Group, aged 7+ years.However, if you have children younger than this, there are two other groups that will be very busy putting toys through … Read more

Make A Wish UK – Remember May

Back in the summer of 2010 Make-A-Wish UK granted the wish of five year old May who was fighting a rare cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma – she wished to be a princess for the day. Sadly May passed away just a couple of months after her wish, two years ago today, on 31st August 2010. May’s … Read more

George at Asda School Uniform

With two weeks left of the Summer Holidays, I am amazed how quickly they have gone, which means I must start thinking about replenishing school uniform!! I have already discovered that all of the children have increased their shoe size, and looking at some of their summer clothes, they are definitely starting to look a … Read more

Flexibath Bath Toys

All of my children LOVE baths, especially ones filled with bubbles and toys, so they were rather excited when we were given the opportunity to test the Flexibath Bath Toys.The set has a very wonderful little tray that suctioned to the wall, which Eowyn, aged three loves to play shops and cafes with. The set consists … Read more

Clarks – Back To School Range.

I really cannot believe how quickly the summer holidays are passing us by this year, it only seems like yesterday we had finished school, and already we are halfway through!Which means I need to start thinking about getting any uniform that the children have outgrown, first stop shoes…The four school age children had been complaining … Read more

Butlins Ambassador 2012/13

As you will know,  if you have read about our family holidays here, we usually go for a cottage in a quiet area and spend the week out and about going to beaches or out walking, so when I heard that Butlins were looking for Ambassadors I was very curious about the whole Big Holiday … Read more