Very Proud Parents!

Yesterday was Parents evening for Neva and Kaide, in the eleven years that we have been attending their little village primary school we have had nothing but glowing reports from Xene, Lochlan, Neva and Kaide, today was no exception. I sometimes wonder when I am listening to their teachers if they have got my children … Read more

Pregnancy Diary – Week 14

So, I have decided to keep a pregnancy diary as I have been hopeless at recording things with the other children, thank goodness for blogging!! According to the pregnancy books ‘wiggly’ is now 8-9cm long – half the size of a Banana… The fingerprints have now developed, how amazing is that!! I may start to … Read more

Looking forward to Summer Evenings

With the evenings slowly starting to get lighter and hopefully warmer, the chickens are going to bed later, which means it won’t be long until we can start thinking about Garden Parties, a thing we love in the warm summer months. We are very fortunate to have a rather large garden, which does mean that … Read more

We Are Back !!

Just after Christmas all six of the children came down with a VERY nasty bug of high temperature and headaches, it was awful. At the end of January they had all seemed to recover and then I began to get ill, but not the same, I was tired all of the time and being sick, … Read more

Tower Block DVD Review

Asa and I LOVE films, with very limited babysitting available, most of our relaxation time is spent watching movies, this has been the case for the past 15 years!!When we were given the opportunity to review Tower Block from Lionsgate, I jumped at the chance. We love a wide range of films and this one … Read more

Shoulder Buddies Review

Eowyn is at the age of fantastic imaginative play and can be found most days pulling a toy dog or cat around the house or dressing up her brothers Angry Birds in hats etc.So when we were given the opportunity to review a Shoulder Buddy it sounded like the perfect little companion for her. Here … Read more

Affordable UK Days Out

I have very few memories of being inside when I was a child. My days were spent playing on the farm and travelling around the country to make the most of what the UK had to offer. Yet I can’t help thinking that nowadays children’s memories will be of films they watched and games they … Read more

Colchester Zoo Review

  When we were challenged by MoneySupermarket and Tots 100 to find Britains Best Day Out , I knew exactly where this would lead us…Ever since I have been a small child I have adored Colchester Zoo, living not far from it, as a child, we used to drive past the entrance quite often and you could … Read more

Team Skylanders

As you will probably be aware Lochlan, Neva and Kaide are slightly Skylander obsessive, all three of them entered the Tots 100 competition to become a member of Team Skylander Giants for 2013, and Kaide was chosen as one of the twelve. When told,  he spent the entire day jumping around like a kangaroo, with … Read more