I am a failure!!

You may remember that I started on the fabulous Mutu System to get rid of my weight and be looking fab for my sister’s blessing taking place on 12th May. Well it started great, the first two weeks I ate sensibly, cut out the fizzy drinks and was starting to feel that actually I would … Read more

Chicks update..batch two due11th April

After our fairly successful first hatch, the children waited eagerly for the second lot to arrive, this time we had eight eggs that looked pretty good.Unlike the first hatch, I was a little more relaxed with these… I was very surprised to find on 11th April that one of the eggs was already making good … Read more

Moon Sand Pet Shop Review

My children are always fascinated when this stuff is advertised on the television, but I have never been convinced that it would actually mould, after making numerous sandcastles over the years, would this stuff really stay together.So I was very curious when we were given the opportunity to review the Moon Sand Pet Shop, in … Read more

Pairs In Pears Review

The older children love any type of word games, so we were very excited to be sent PAIRSinPEARS by Bananagrams to try out. This is what they say about it: `PAIRSinPEARS, true to its name, is a fast-paced pair-making game, packed in a pear. Lettered tiles come in four distinct alphabet sets, and players race against … Read more

Sorry Mum Domestic Goddess is not Genetic!!

Ever since I can remember my mum has had a `thing’ about tidying up, my toys would all be placed neatly in a toy box, and if anything stood still long enough it would get hoovered or polished!!Unfortunately the clean freak streak has not been passed down to my sister and I, much to my … Read more

Chick Update

Well, it is 9 days since I put 18 eggs into our incubator, we have candled the eggs and have 8 little wrigglers! So from 18 eggs that have been through the Royal Mail system I am very happy, so are the children. We did have a slight problem, I had put the eggs in … Read more

Feeling Broody ?

No, it’s not me, in fact it isn’t anyone, much to the children’s disappointment, the chickens that is, not mum!Two years ago we had a very broody hen, so we decided to try and hatch some eggs, however for one reason and another, none of them hatched and our poor chicken became quite poorly, so … Read more

Eisberg Chardonnay Review

I seem to have been pregnant or breastfeeding almost continuously for the past fourteen years, meaning that I very rarely have an alcoholic drink, now don’t get me wrong, this is not an issue, but occasionally it would be nice to have a drink that isn’t a soft drink.I have never really been a big … Read more