Cravendale Experience

Lovecravendale is the exciting new rewards club that offers you the chance to try new experiences and have fun as a family. We were asked to choose an activity to try out, being very heavily pregnant I thought it best to try something slightly less adventurous than scuba diving, so we opted for a Bowling Experience, … Read more

Introducing Viggo…

WOW! what a completely hectic 19 days, I have no idea where the time has gone, although that might be something to do with this little one… Just after midnight on Monday 9th September I got the first contraction, literally just as I laid my head on the pillow, WHAM it happened, I leaned over … Read more

Glitzi Globe Review

The cutest, collectable DIY glittery snow globes around! Create adorable globes to pop, swap,share and wear! Girls can create and decorate their own mini snow globes that can become jewellery or pen toppers with a magical twist. These cute and quirky charms encouragecollectability. Simply make it, fill it and shake it! Along with the mini … Read more

Linked by Judy Serrano

Linked By:: Judy Serrano Product details Paperback: 264 pages Publisher: Black Rose Writing (18 July 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1612962173 ISBN-13: 978-1612962177 Product Dimensions: 22.6 x 15.2 x 1.8 cm About the Book:: Daphne Foster is a substitute teacher stuck in an English class, waiting for that dreaded parent-teacher conference. With much preparation and anxiety, she encounters the unforgettable Charlie Cross. … Read more

Exciting New Ventures and Wiggly Update

As you may remember I was very keen to have a homebirth in a Birthing Pool for our latest baby, nicknamed Wiggly. I was very fortunate that a lovely company called Birth Pools Online had agreed to let me have one of their heated pools for the birth, which I was extremely excited about. A few … Read more

Morrisons Nutmeg Range Reviewed by The Morrisons

We thought it was only fair to tell you all about the range of school clothing at Morrisons – as it’s such a great name!! Only kidding, it’s not just about the name, we were very fortunate to be chosen as one of ten bloggers to review their Nutmeg School Uniform range, which I have … Read more