The plan was to have Viggo at home, which meant that we didn’t require a Car seat straight away, but as you know from reading our birth story, this never happened, due to midwife shortages, they were unable to send anyone out for a home delivery, which meant a very fast dash to hospital, and me panicking whether I had everything we needed to have our little bundle at the hospital, including the Car Seat, but Asa was already one step ahead of me and had it ready in the car.
I was extremely grateful for the Baby Safe Plus SHR II that Britax had sent us, as part of the Ambassador programme and even more that the instructions were easy to follow.

Although he weighed a hefty 9lb 6oz, he still looked rather little in the Car Seat. The height adjustment on the headrest was very easy to move, as were the straps.
The small grey button on the top is how you move the carry handle back, instead of trying to twist and turn to get baby in. With many types of Car Seats, you have to squeeze both sides of the bar to move it backwards, meaning you need three arms, whilst holding the baby. This simple grey button can be slid across with just one thumb, meaning you do not have to put baby down, or get someone else to hold him!
The straps are easy to adjust, by pushing the button located just underneath where Viggo’s feet are in the picture.
It is very padded, and he always looks very comfortable in the Car Seat, the colour is a really stunning blue, I have had many compliments about it, from other mums at school.
We have used this Car seat for the last eight months and it has been brilliant, Viggo is just at the age (and weight!) that I need to consider changing his car seat, but I am VERY reluctant to let him leave this lovely seat, it is so handy to place on the Britax Affinity frame, although in all fairness he does weigh an absolute ton, for little old me!!
Here he is slightly bigger…
I love the fact that it can fit onto a multitude of Pushchairs, meaning that you do not have to wake a sleeping baby, you can find a HUGE list of ones that the Car Seat is Compatible with here.
Our verdict : A Fantastic Car Seat that I will be very sad to see him grow out of, especially as it will probably be the last time I ever need a small baby seat!!
Need to see what my choices are in terms of next size car seat for my little Chunky Monkey.
You can find out more about this fabulous car seat on the Britax website
I can’t believe how small he looked in there, he has grown so quickly. A great car seat and I love that it is compatible with many different pushchairs
Looks like a great car seat, really comfy for a new baby. He’s a real cutie too! #triedtested