SATS and GCSEs here we come!!

Today I dropped Neva at school a little earlier than usual, she was taking part in a Breakfast club with all of her friends, before they did their first SAT test of the week. I am quite lucky that Neva is pretty chilled about the whole thing, although being a school governor, I know how … Read more

Fifteen Minutes of Peace and Tranquility

In a house of nine, you can imagine, quiet and calm are not words used frequently to describe our lives!! Every morning I set the alarm for 6.45am I go downstairs quietly so as not to wake anyone else. I put the kettle on, then depending how tired I am I either sit and stare … Read more

What Time Is It ?

Since having the children, my time keeping has become, lets say a little worse! Before I had the children I would always be on time, or even a little earlier to every appointment or meeting, but the last sixteen years I have been no quite so prompt… Nearly every year Asa or my parents buy … Read more

Easter Egg Hunting with Waitrose

Every year the Easter Bunny leaves the children’s eggs hidden throughout our garden, regardless of the weather and the children LOVE it, they search everywhere, because they never know how tall the Easter Bunny has grown and if they may be on top of tall places like the chicken coop. If your children enjoy hunting … Read more

Spoil your #MumoftheYear

Not Long Till Mothers Day and Mandi’s Day! This year I shall be sharing my birthday with Mother’s all over the world!! This is the second time since becoming a mum that it has fallen on my birthday, so my children have declared that I WILL get extra presents to compensate!! Its always difficult knowing … Read more

Pop Chef Review

Kaide has been on and on about Pop Chef ever since it was first advertised on the television, so when we were asked if we would like to review it, there was a resounding YES from all parties!! The Pop Chef is by Character and consists of six fun shape cutters that you fix on … Read more

Fairytale Fantasia 1000 piece Puzzle

All of the girls adore mythical creatures and fantasy stories, they have all been brought up on fairy tales, so when we were asked would we like to have a go at a Fairytale Fantasia Puzzle, they all shouted “Yes!” however, I failed to mention to them that it was 1000 pieces….. Here is what … Read more

High School, College and GCSE Options!!

2014 begins another educational chapter in the Morrison household, currently Xene is studying hard for her GCSEs, which she will be taking in just a few weeks time – how scary is that, doesn’t seem like two minutes ago I was taking my own!! After those are finished, its a LONG summer holiday and then … Read more