Viggo Exists!!

Last week, we had a major breakthrough in the Morrison household. Tyrus aged 2 years and 11  months, finally acknowledged his baby brother’s existence, at the age of 9 months!! Since Viggo was born in September Tyrus has never engaged or taken any notice of him whatsoever. It wasn’t the normal ignoring of a new … Read more

Vango Sleeping Bag – The Best Penguin EVER!

The entire family LOVES Camping, so when we were asked if the children would like to review a sleeping bag from Sleeping Bag Outlet, the answer was simple…YES PLEASE! The difficult decision was which of the children would decide on a sleeping bag. We checked out the site and there were some fab choices, however, … Read more

Oh Eowyn!

We did it….After sixteen years of having children, we finally have a plaster cast in the family!! In fact, its really 42 years, as neither Asa nor myself have ever fractured or broken a bone, which is slightly amazing considering the years Asa has played contact sport and I have been hit by a car!! … Read more

#MorningStories With The Morrisons!!

  Can you imagine getting this lovely bunch ready in the morning ? 95% of the mornings everyone is at school on time, with the right lunchbox and their homework diaries signed, there are the occasional mishaps – lost book bag, hidden water bottle etc but more often than not we get there!! How…….. Well, … Read more

Ecover Ocean Washing up liquid – So Bubbly!

I announced yesterday about an exclusive partnership between Tesco and ecological cleaning pioneer Ecover, who have has launched the Ocean Bottle – the first ever bottle made from waste plastic, fished from the ocean, you can read all about it here. I was very fortunate to be sent an Ocean Bottle (I know, some might think … Read more

Barnaby and Blackbirds!

Friday afternoon Eowyn came running out of school clutching a floppy brown bear called Barnaby!! She had won Star of The Week, which included the lovely job of taking care of the Class Bear and recording in his rather large book, all about his adventures with The Morrisons!!   Her older sister Neva had been … Read more

Baby Safe plus SHR II – A Fabulous Car Seat

The plan was to have Viggo at home, which meant that we didn’t require a Car seat straight away, but as you know from reading our birth story, this never happened, due to midwife shortages, they were unable to send anyone out for a home delivery, which meant a very fast dash to hospital, and … Read more

Tesco To Exclusively Launch Ecovers First Ocean Plastic Bottle.

In an exclusive partnership with Tesco, ecological cleaning pioneer Ecover has launched the Ocean Bottle – the first ever bottle made from waste plastic, fished from the ocean. the Limited Edition Ecover Washing-up Liquid Ocean Bottle is made entirely from recycled plastic, with 10% of that plastic coming from the sea. Streamlined and eye-catching, the … Read more