I started my blog back in 2011, when our sixth child was just 6 weeks old, back then we were called Hex Mum.

Two years later we welcomed our final child, so became Hex Mum Plus One.

We shared lots of our baby and toddler milestones, as well as school and tween moments.
As the children got older the focus of the blog became more about ways to help other families with lots of children to get organised, people were always asking me how I got them ready for school, took them on outings remembered all the different dates, so we became Big Family Organised Chaos.

Fast forward a few years and four of our children are now aged 18 and over, two have completed university, one is currently at university and the fourth is currently considering his options.

They are still very much part of our family and still come on days out and family holidays, but it feels like the right time to move on from just discussing life with a large family and move onto a more localised family life, here in beautiful Norfolk.

We have been in Norfolk for over 25 years and we think its a great place to bring up the children (and the two Giant Newfoundlands!), with lots of dog friendly places, beaches, seaside towns, quaint villages and plenty of fun attractions to explore.

So i’m planning on highlighting and promoting all there is to see and do in Norfolk, because eventually all the children will grow up and we’ll have plenty of free time to go out for lunches and evening meals!
So welcome to Norfolk Family Life!