Some Inspiration For Creating A More Social Garden

Creating a more social garden is a great idea if you love to entertain friends. Not only will you have a great place to host parties and barbecues, you’ll also have a wonderful place to relax and unwind on your own. Without further adieu, here’s some inspiration for creating a more social garden:

Invest In Durable Garden Furniture

If you want to have a social garden, then you need to make sure you have durable garden furniture. This is the first thing you should look at. You can buy pretty much anything you have inside of the house for outside of the house, built to withstand the elements. Making sure the furniture is built to withstand rain, wind, snow, and other problems is important. Of course you may still be better off covering up your furniture or putting it in the garage if the weather isn’t great. However, making sure it’s as durable as possible will mean your furniture stands the test of time. Consider having a 2 or 3 seater as well as some single seats to finish off your social seating area. You could even have a garden swing to add character and an element of fun. Figure out how many people you’ll have over on average and make sure your furniture reflects this.

Create A Deck

Having a decking or patio area means you have somewhere to sit and relax with drinks, and then a separate garden area for the kids, pets, and things like that. Decks can look great, and it’s somewhere you can place your new furniture, along with some potted plants. Get creative with your deck and bring some of your style and personality from inside back outside.

Include a Fire Pit

Fire pits are perfect for a little warmth when the temperature drops at night time, but that isn’t all they’re good for. They can be used to cook up a bite to eat if you’re hungry, and they offer a brilliant ambiance too. No doubt your gatherings will go on late into the night with a fire pit. You can actually install one in your garden, or buy a freestanding one. Both can look great and have amazing benefits!


Add Water Features For Tranquillity

Water features are a great addition to just about any garden. One of the main reasons for having them is that they can add to the atmosphere, and make your garden seem even more relaxing and peaceful. However, do be careful with the water features you select if you have children and pets. Choosing a simple fountain may be best if you want to keep your family safe, as ponds can be dangerous if you can’t always supervise your family.

Include Accessories Too

Don’t forget to include accessories. You’d want your living room to look good if you were hosting in there, so why not do the same thing to your garden? You don’t need lots of accessories. A wind chime here and something pretty there can make a big difference. You could even make a statement in your garden with a large accessory designed to draw the eye. You can get just as creative in your garden as you can in your home!

Make The Maintenance As Easy As Possible

If you have a large expanse of lawn, be sure to stay on top of the maintenance, mow the lawn regularly and if you have some tricky corners, strimmers are a life saver, and make the job a lot easier, invest in some good quality lawn feed and keep an eye out for those pesky weeds to ensure you have a lawn that rivals wimbledon at the start of the tournament!

Find The Right Kind Of Lighting

You’re going to need the right kind of lighting outside if you want to create a more social garden. Solar lighting is popular with some, but you can also go for automatic lighting if you prefer. For a magical effect, lanterns and fairy lights can be used. Just make sure you have something out there to light up the night and keep everybody safe. Failing to have outdoor lighting could actually pose a danger to your home by giving intruders somewhere to hide.

Focus On Your Plants And Flowers

Your plants and flowers will make a big difference to the atmosphere of your garden. If you don’t have a lot of time to maintain them, make sure they are low maintenance before you plant them. You can use contrasting colours to make your garden look really pretty and interesting, but there are a handful of methods you can use to get the best look. Take inspiration from sites like Pinterest!


Have A Path/Paving

Installing a path or some paving gives people direction. Having something leading up to the house and down to the garden makes the outdoor area look even better, and can even give it a ‘fairytale’ feel. It doesn’t even need to be super expensive or fancy looking. There are a ton of different styles you can go for.

Consider Low Walls With Open Panels

If you only have a small garden that is pretty open, there are some ways you can add more privacy without completely enclosing it. How about low walls or fencing with open panels? Trellises work well, but there are lots of different options depending on what you need. Some people even like to add a privacy screen. You don’t necessarily want every passer by to listen in on your gathering.

Having a garden you can have both big and small get togethers in, is a great way of staying in touch with those you love most. You can have birthday parties, impromptu get togethers, and host other celebrations in a great garden. Use these tips as inspiration to get started creating something that you’re really happy with. Do you have tips that have worked for you?




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