Being a mum can often mean we have very little time for ourselves. But, being responsible for children, a home and often work commitments.
We still need to ensure that we take good care of our health and wellbeing to ensure that we can be at our best for everyone else. So I thought I would share with you some of the ways you can do that.
Check out these 100 Simple Bucket List Ideas For Everyday Life

Start to move more
There are some major benefits for moving more. One of those being that it can help to increase your fitness. Moving more, in general, can help improve your energy and even aid in weight loss if that’s something you want to look at, as well as help with general health. Are you one of those people that become breathless easily? Exercising more could help you have more energy for things like that.
There are many ways you can actively move more. One of the things you could consider is just to start walking. It might mean walking in a morning, taking a pet dog out, or choosing to take the stairs instead of a lift. Taking on more activity. So many people can be put off by the gym as it isn’t for everyone.
Not all of us want to go to a place and work up a sweat each night. But everyone can move more and walking is a great form of exercise. It could turn into a hobby you enjoy and may even advance on to running. Many people take great enjoyment out of it. Even switching up the music at home and having a dance around will increase your heart rate.
Some people like to track their progress, and there are many devices these days that can track your steps. They are well worth the investment.
Take better care of your skin
Our skin can be a huge giveaway of how we are feeling on the inside. Tired eyes, saggy skin, dry and unloved, they can all be big factors that we can all be struggling with when it comes to our skin. This is why it is so important to ensure that we have a regular skincare routine in place to take better care. This will also help combat the signs of aging and make us appear more awake and energised, even if we don’t feel it on the inside. If you are wanting to refresh your skincare routine then take a look at products like Bioderma skin care online.

Don’t underestimate the power of water
Drinking more water will always have great health benefits. Firstly, it’s a natural detox. It flushes out your body of bad toxins. It can also increase energy levels and reduce the symptoms of fatigue. This could help to encourage you to eat better as well as aid in your exercise regime.
You will also see an improvement in your skin as water is a natural remedy to help reduce spots and clearing your skin. It could help encourage children to develop the habit of drinking more which will serve them well in the future. It can also be a great aid to weight loss. Alongside all of that it can even help you sleep better. Overall, drinking more water can help you throughout your healthy lifestyle journey.

Detox and Cleanse
Detoxification is about removing toxins from your body to promote better health and weight loss. It’s like cleansing the body of impurities that may cause diseases or changes affecting one’s mood. Dieting, fasting, and taking supplements are among the ways to carry out the detox or aid in the process.
There are specific programs that deal with toxins from certain substances. For example, these detoxification kits aim to help eliminate toxins and cleanse the system. If you have an upcoming preemployment test or want a higher likelihood of passing, start the detox journey now.
Look at your weight
Sometimes, it can be a huge reality check to make a change. Looking in the mirror, feeling breathless when moving or generally feeling tired and lethargic. More often than not this can be our weight. More people are being recorded as having high body mass indexes and are being classed as obese. It is a rising problem that needs some attention. A lot of this is down to a poor diet.
Many diets are seen as unsustainable which can be a very valid point. A lot of diets will will tell you to deprive your body of certain things, mainly fats or carbohydrates. This may allow you to lose weight quickly, but it could never be sustained as your body changes. These types of diets can reduce your metabolism, which in the long term could cause problems for weight gain again.
Being overweight can lead on to other health issues such as diabetes. So if this has been your motivation for taking better care of yourself, then make sure you start as you mean to go on.
What you want to do is to incorporate a sustainable weight loss regime into your life. Often this is by eating a healthy balanced diet and moving more. It can be as simple as that. There are certain nutrients your body needs, especially if you are increasing the amount of exercise you do. Other people consider supplements to help lose weight. Combining a healthy lifestyle with exercise can often be enough for you to see a remarkable change in how you feel.