Decorate Your Home, Come On (Let’s Decorate)

Planning to decorate our homes is something we all dream of doing. We sit down and make a load of big plans and convince ourselves this will be the year we spruce up our abodes. Yet we never do, which is usually because we see it as a big commitment, when it really doesn’t need … Read more

Is Your Home Kid Friendly?

When your little ones come along. The way you look at the things in your home can really change. One you are a parent you no longer of worrying about the latest accessory, or chicest table to complete your decor. Instead, you are thinking about whether it is child-friendly or a safety risk. But there … Read more

Time to Decorate, but which room first ?

Last  month we had a change around of the bedrooms, Viggo and Tyrus are now in the small bedroom in very funky castle bunk beds (chunky enough that both of them can climb up and down safely and low enough that I can still put them into bed without damaging myself!) Xene has given up … Read more

Gas Safety in The Home

Many of us use Gas to cook or heat our homes, in fact in our very first house that Asa and I had together we only had two gas fires to heat the entire house, getting up on a cold winter’s morning was not pleasant! I remember having some friends over to stay after a particularly … Read more

Which Room First ?

As you know I have mentioned a few times (quite a few) that it is about time we thought about redecorating and upgrading some of the rooms in our house. As much as I would like to tackle the kitchen, it is going to take ages and is smack bang in the middle of the … Read more

How To Protect Your Home

When we moved to our house nearly nine years ago, the first thing that I noticed was a burglar alarm, this had never been in my thinking, both houses we had lived in previously were in quite a busy area, with lots of people out and about all the time, even when we lived on … Read more

Where Did I Put That Bill!

  I don’t mean that I forget about paying things altogether, it just always seems to be that when the postman delivers the post, I am on the phone, changing a nappy or dealing with a naked toddler, hence the pile of post gets thrown on the hat stand, then a load of junk gets … Read more