Welcome to day ten, all about jokes!
I’m not really sure why I chose jokes, it was the first J word they came into my mind (which is quite impressive that I even still have a brain after seven children – baby brain is real people!)
The one joke that has always stood out for me is one that Xene used to tell as a toddler and they have all learnt it at about the same age, so I guess it’snot so much about the joke but the memories of them all as toddlers.
What do you call a three-legged donkey ?
It them moved on to:
What do you call a three-legged donkey who sounds like a goose
This particular joke had them in stitches for long periods of time, it was their standard party piece whenever they saw and extended members of the family.
The first joke my husband ever told me was
There were two fish in a tank, one turned to the other and said “How do you drive this thing ?”…
followed by
A Man walked into a bar
And I am happy to report, his jokes have not improved in 21 years!
I can’t wait to hear about everyone else’s jokes, hopefully I will have some good ones to tell the children when they get home!

Hahaha a honky wonkey I’m so telling my kids that one later!
It has passed my 3.5 year old’s chuckle test, after I explained it! #blogtober17
I am laughing at the honky wonkey, I won’t lie this one had me as I am terrible with jokes, but enjoyed writing mine in the end and loving reading all the posts x
The first joke my husband told me…
‘A man says ‘name 5 animals that live in the jungle’, the other man says ‘4 monkeys and a hedgehog’…not sure how we ended up as husband and wife x
hehehe! I love silly jokes like this. They always make me laugh out loud x
I love that all your children had the same first joke! Also impressed they understood how jokes work as toddlers, my daughter didn’t really ‘get’ jokes until she went to school, as my post talks about. There’s still a lot of laborious explaining now!
Ha, I used the wonky donkey joke in my post too, but know I have an extra line too, thank you!
These tickled me! I am rubbish with jokes! #Blogtober17
My favourite joke when I was little was ‘My dog has no nose – how does it smell? – awful’!
heheheh a honky wonkey! I love it!
Best prompt ever! I’ve read every single post and laughed at all of them x