University Open Days, Here We Come!


I knew it would arrive, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon!

Xene has booked her first open day to go and visit one of the Universities she is interested in, thank goodness it isn’t too far away, only a couple of hours, so Xene and I will set off after taking the other children to school next week.

I’m probably more nervous than she is, as it suddenly dawned on me that I may have to actually think about what I wear! I can’t really get away with biscuit covered jeans and a baggy t-shirt with snot all over it!

Xene seems to have an amazing ability to walk into her bedroom, grab a couple of items of clothing, throw them together and come up with a fab look unique to her, I on the other hand possess ‘work clothes’ and slobby clothes, nothing in between!

So I have been searching the net for some suitable clothes.

I love this floral top teamed with a pair of black skinny jeans, but then i’m wondering if it will be too cool as the weather is so changeable at the moment!

asda floral

So then i’m thinking maybe I should go for a

thin jumper like this one, when else will I be

able to wear a light coloured top, as I am pretty

sure Xene won’t cover me in chocolate or juice!


Although yet again I am noticing a pattern, either black or white, maybe I should add some colour into it…

I LOVE the colours of this season, so maybe this one


What do you think, should I go for something new or something I will feel comfortable in, without looking like a frumpy mum, or embarrassing Xene!


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