Next weekend I am taking part in The Race For Life Pretty Muddy Event. This will be the first time that I am taking part in any Race For Life, not because I haven’t wanted to before, but this year it has become a little bit more personal.

In February my mum had a scan on her leg to assess why she was having problems walking, after the scan she was called back to the hospital, pretty quickly, what we thought was going to be an update on the leg progress turned into something very different.
Whilst they were checking the scan of her leg, they noticed something higher up on her lung, just by sheer fluke they had done a full body scan or she may not have even known about it now, as she has no symptoms and apart from a sore leg felt very well.
She went back for an actual scan of her chest and there was that nasty little C word, right there on her lung, as if a quadruple bypass wasn’t enough twelve years ago. After numerous visits backwards and forwards to the hospital to check her ticker could take the major operation, she has been given the date of 6th August to remove the lasted thing, so I shall be getting down and dirty on Sunday 26th July to kick Cancer up the arse.
If you would like to donate to this very worthwhile cause here is the link to my Just Giving page, any donations would be very welcome. I will update after the event and when my mum has had her surgery.