During the lockdown, spending copious amounts of time at home was thrust upon us. Now, as we come through the other side, everyone’s homes would undoubtedly benefit from a spring smarten and spruce.
There are numerous affordable, quick, easy, and effective techniques to make your home feel cosier, warmer, and more inviting for yourself, your family, and anyone else that happens to pop by when allowed.
Soft Colour Palettes
Comforting pastel colours in warm browns, reds, oranges, or neutral hues will make your rooms feel welcoming and calming. Invigorating your walls with warmer tones and shades will convey a relaxing and comforting ambiance, and you will certainly feel the benefit of warmer hues in your mind, body, and soul.
Candles and Incense
The evolution of candles from a rudimentary source of light to a desirable and multi-faceted feature of a room has exploded in recent years. The soothing flicker of candlelight not only creates a warming, relaxing, and inviting atmosphere, the simple act of lighting a candle can help de-stress, ease and soothe the mind.
Displaying your children’s’ drawings and paintings simply and creatively in more practical rooms by hanging them from pieces of string or twine over a mirror or toy boxes portrays a family-friendly, lived in and loving home. Photographs of loved ones are also a great way to personalise a room, and filling your spaces with treasured memories and adventures will make you and your family feel both fulfilled and reflective.
Bespoke Heating and Lighting
Gone are the days when a rusty, chunky, heavy-duty radiator was the only way to ensure central heating in every room. Nowadays, designer and bespoke radiators and heated towel rails have truly revolutionised the interior design world.
A comfortably heated room is perhaps the most inviting feature of any home and makes not only your guests and your family but, most importantly, yourself feel at home in your own home. Upgrade your heating with Warm rooms and find a perfect heating solution for your home.
Soft Furnishings
Comfy cushions and snuggly throws and blankets are an affordable yet effective way of making your lounge more warm, inviting, and comfortable. Layering throws and even beanbags around living rooms and bedrooms can transform the most unembellished of rooms into a tranquil and welcoming space.

Bring The Outside Inside
Houseplants are a beautiful, organic means of ensuring your home looks and feels inviting and enticing. You don’t need to be an accomplished gardener; Many houseplants exist that can stand a bit of accidental neglect. Plants such as Aloe Vera, Weeping Figs, Jade Plants, and Golden Pothos can all withstand both under and over-watering, living perfectly happily in areas of damp and darkness.
Additionally, there are more science-based reasons to bring houseplants into your home, too.
Put some of these ideas into practice in your home, and everyone that sets foot inside your home will immediately feel like they’ve just stepped into an inviting, relaxing, soothing, and comforting family home.
Better still, utilise your new more-homely spaces for much-needed self-love, self-care, and well-earned rest and relaxation.