Creating An Eco-Friendly Business Is Easier Than You Think

If you are running a business and would like to make it more eco-friendly then there are many things you can do. You may just think it is about how much you recycle , but it is far more than that.

Customers are constantly looking for new businesses that match how they feel about the environment and saving the planet. If you want to appeal to all customers then take a look at the article below for more help on creating an eco-friendly business. 

Recycle Recycle Recycle

As previously mentioned, being an eco-friendly company is more than simply recycling. Recycling goes a long way in preventing items from ending up in landfill, however, think about how you can ramp up your efforts.

There are recycled products that you can use throughout your office that can be recycled and won’t harm the planet. There are a few examples, one common one is recycled paper for use in the printer. 

You can also install a water fountain in your office. This may seem counterproductive but believe it or not, it saves water and single use plastics from employees. You can set up a subscription plan with a water cooler company. 

Invest In Solar Power

One amazing thing that you can do for your business is invest in solar panels. A lot of businesses nowadays are looking into the different types of renewable energy they can use.

There are a few options available to businesses, wind power and solar power. Solar power is the most common and popular one to choose for businesses.

If you decide to invest in solar power, then you may need to also look into solar with 3-phase power. This is ideal for larger businesses where single phase systems aren’t powerful enough. 

If your business is located near a wind farm then you could sign up and reduce your carbon footprint. They are a great source of renewable energy and are relatively cheap to run. 

Use Eco-Friendly Products

There are plenty of products you can use throughout your office that contain no harmful chemicals. The eco-friendly products are super kind to the environment and can often be recycled or reused.

For instance, kitchen or bathroom cleaner bottles are now refillable and you can get a great price on the refill packs. You might have also heard of recyclable tea bags, these can’t be reused but they don’t take years and years to break down in landfill. 

If you are wanting to stock your bathroom and kitchen cupboards you might also want to use recycled toilet paper and kitchen towel.

Again, these break down a lot quicker than usual paper. Be aware, you can get 50% recycled or 100% recycled materials. Think about which one is best suited for your business

Save Energy 

Another thing to think about is how you can save energy within your business. There are many pros and cons to saving energy, one of the major ones being a whole lot of money being saved annually.

If you make a conscious effort in your company to turn off lights and all your technology then you can cut your bills in half. Your brand reputation will also go up if you make extra efforts to be energy efficient.

However, you need to be careful you don’t over advertise your green plan as this can drive customers away. If you need help and advice on how you can save energy in your business then there are companies out there you can contact. 

If you and your staff members are struggling to turn off lights and tech devices then you should set up reminders around the office. The one thing you should leave on is the internet, this is so you don’t become permanently disconnected.

Use LED Lighting

Finally, if you want to lower your energy bills while being a little kinder to the planet then think about switching your lights to LED.

LED lights have now replaced normal light bulbs but a lot of businesses are still using fluorescent lighting or halogen lighting. These are not only pricey but are slightly harsher to the planet.

This is due to them containing harmful toxic elements such as mercury. This can’t be recycled and ends up in landfill where it doesn’t break down. 

We hope you found this article helpful and that it gave you some ideas on how you can create a wonderful eco-friendly business.

The key is to make small changes at first, rather than doing everything at once. The greatest thing about going green is that it shows your customers that you care about the environment. 

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