Home Improvement Ideas For Smaller Families

Millions of people make small dwellings in their homes. The reasons for people choosing small homes over large ones can vary from financial restrictions to intentional choices. However, this does not mean that small houses are not comfortable. Despite being smaller in area, both carpet and super-built, small houses can be improved far better than … Read more

How to Help Your Family Transition to Sustainable Living

With more people on the planet than ever before the transition to sustainable living has become more important than ever. We all want to hand down a healthy planet to our kids, but sustainable living can sometimes seem like an intimidating task. Sustainable living should, however, be simple, fun and accessible for everyone. With these … Read more

4 Projects That Can Really Modernise The Home

Does it feel like your home is stuck in the past? Perhaps it’s a little more than a fresh lick of paint or roll of wallpaper can solve. However, regardless of how aged your home may actually be, there are a few strategies you can implement to make it shine like brand new. Here, we’re … Read more

Spring Time: 6 Interesting Ideas to Freshen Up Your Walls

Spring is the perfect time to remove the clutter and upgrade your home. However, some people are constrained with work, family duties and house chores that they don’t have time to elaborately redecorate their space. Also, changing your space requires a lot of time and money, which is why many people decide to invest theirs … Read more

Practical Tips to Help You Refresh Your Kitchen

A kitchen remodel is usually something that can be incredibly expensive, time-consuming and a lot of hassle. It often involves seeking inspiration for a kitchen, then speaking to a designer, then a contractor and then finally getting the work done. This process can be a lot of work and it’s going to cost you a … Read more

Top DIY Tips To Tackle This Spring

Ah, spring is in the air! If you’re feeling revitalised and ready to make some changes to your home, you’re not alone. Spring is a great time to take care of all of the projects you thought up over the winter. So, let’s take a look at some of the top home improvement projects to … Read more

Creating a Healthy Family Home

Creating a healthy family home where you and your family can truly thrive might seem like a tall order, but it’s actually something that’s really easy to achieve with many simple changes (and perhaps a few more difficult ones). Up for the challenge? Here are some ideas to get you started… Destroy House Dust A … Read more