Where has the time gone!
This also means that my `little’ baby is closer to a year than a baby.
I was already a HUGE fan of Britax before my Affinity arrived, having owned a B-Dual when Eowyn and Tyrus were little (in fact, I still have it in the loft)
Before Viggo arrived I questioned whether to have a double like the B-Agile Double, but Tyrus is quite independent and only really needs a pushchair when he is tired.
The thing I loved about the Affinity, was how lightweight it was, weighing only 11kg. I had also fallen in love with it when I saw it in the flesh at Brit Mums.
Being asked to be a Britax Ambassador and reviewing this as my very first product was a dream come true!
It arrived a few weeks before Viggo was born, so I had plenty of time to practice, putting it up and folding it, so I didn’t look like a complete fool at the school pick up, but I neednt have worried, the pram was a dream to put together and it is one of the easiest pushchairs I have ever folded.
There is a choice of a Carrycot or a newborn insert for when baby is tiny, I tried both, but I would definitely recommend the Carrycot, it is very comfortable, Viggo fell asleep immediately when placed in it. The Affinity doesn’t fold with the carrycot attached, so you will need a decent size boot on your car.
The Carrycot clips onto the frame very easily and the hood is great for protecting from the sun and wind.
The Raincover for the carrycot is amazing, not only does it stop Viggo getting wet, but it keeps the entire carrycot completely dry.

The shopping basket is easy to access and large enough to fit all of the other children’s school bags, water bottles, PE Kits.
The handle is adjustable and the back wheels are air filled, ensuring a smooth ride!
The lockable front wheels make it easy to steer, even on rough ground.
Now that Viggo is bigger, he has moved onto the pushchair seat, which he loves, his favourite past-time is pulling himself up and trying to chew on the Affinity bumper bar…I love the fact that the seat can be parent facing or turned round for him to view the entire world, instead of just me!

I absolutely LOVE this pushchair and I would definitely recommend it to any parents to be, with the added bonus that you can purchase different colour sets, perfect for subsequent babies, because it means you don’t have How I wished they had this option fourteen years ago!!
For more information on the Affinity and all of the different colour options and frame colours, why not visit Britax
I’ve just picked up the exact same one for my new arrival on eBay. It’s like new, I love it. I know what you mean though about needing a large sized car as we can only just mange to prize this thing in there!