Project #365 Days 46 -52

I have been taking the photos, but never seem to be able to get on the computer to add them in time!!

So, a very long way behind, here is week 8…


46- We have added an extra run to the chicken coop, for the days when the children want to be out in the garden without having to move a chicken off the swings!! Our two youngest cockerels were not too happy about it and decided to jump on top of the coop!

47 – Viggo is becoming an expert climber, unfortunately it is always on the wrong pieces of furniture, and he is very cheeky with it!!

48- Pancake Day, with nine of us there are lots of them to make…



49 – As its the half term holidays, the five eldest visited Nanny and Grandad for the day and had a cooking day, this is the girls Into The Woods Cake.

50 – Viggo loves to kiss everything and everyone, including his toy dinosaurs!

51 – Viggo had decided that eating spaghetti hoops with his fingers is far more fun than using a spoon.

52 – Eowyn and I did some more baking, I love the colour that the fresh eggs makes the mixture.

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