Now that we are nearing the end of 2017 we have begun to think about where we would like to visit in the future.
We ticked Disneyland Paris off of our list in 2016, however the new Star Wars area was being developed, so we did suggest we go back again in 2018, but the older children are adamant they would like to return in 2019 when the Star Wars part is finished. Lots of people are going to Florida, but the thought of the flight isn’t appealing, after a number of delayed flights when the older two were very small to places with much less flight times. These days if you were delayed look to get compensation from a company like this, every day, plane delays cause misery for thousands of passengers worldwide. Thankfully, passengers are protected by EU legislation that is designed to assist those affected by flight disruption. Flight Delay Claims 4 U have teamed up with specialist flight delay solicitors to provide the knowledge and expertise required to enforce your flight delay rights and retrieve compensation.
For now, I think I will give Florida a miss, but you never know, one day, until then, these are my top places i’d like to visit.
Five Places I Would Like To Visit in The Future – Not all exotic and requiring a passport!
- Neuschwanstein Castle in the Bavarian Alps, Germany. I have loved this castle since a young child and is the inspiration for Sleeping Beauty’s castle, my relatives are also from Germany and I have visited a couple of times as an exchange student whilst at school, so I would love to return and take the children.

Great list. I’ve been to Norway it was one of the best time of my life.
Newquay, Wales is one of the places I have visited. very beautiful view there.