Living Arrows 2/53

This week I took Xene, our eldest back to university, its a good 5 hour trip up North, the weather was cold but dry. I was supposed to be taking Lochlan with me as he hasn’t seen Xene’s halls yet, but he has been really ill this week and didn’t fancy a minimum of 10 hours in a car, so I took Neva with me, she has been on most of the journeys to university, but she’s great company in the car and I enjoy her taste in music!

I am dreadful at saying goodbye, I get tearful if Asa goes away for a night to a conference, so saying goodbye to Xene wasn’t great, I usually do the picking up journey, not the taking back! Thankfully she has a study week in a few weeks time, so it won’t be long until she is home, although that one will be a train journey for her, not a pick up!

This weeks first photo is of the three eldest on Christmas Eve, all in their Disney pyjamas, I cannot believe when I look at them how grown up they are all becoming!


Living Arrows

5 thoughts on “Living Arrows 2/53”

  1. I love that they still all wear Disney PJs! It must be so bittersweet dropping her off at uni, seeing her gaining her independence but having to say goodbye x


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