I Enoch

I, Enoch is an enthralling journey into a world where ancient secrets and modern ambitions collide.

Enoch, the protagonist, stands as a guardian of lost truths and protector of the marginalized, battling against forces that hold dominion over the planet.

In a race to save the world from the prospect of a sixth mass extinction, Enoch embarks on a dangerous mission with the help of ancient patrons and in the company of those with special knowledge of Earth’s hidden secrets.

As he delves deeper, Enoch confronts not only external adversaries but also internal dilemmas about justice, knowledge, and power. This tale weaves together mysticism with gritty realism, creating a tapestry rich with philosophical questions and the perennial quest for understanding one’s purpose.

As Enoch wrestles with his responsibilities and the consequences of his actions, the reader is invited into a vividly crafted universe that challenges the conventional boundaries between history and myth, between what is known and what is imaginable.

This book promises to leave readers pondering their own place in the history of humankind and the universe.

I Enoch Review

If you are looking for a book with multiple dimensions, combining myths and legends, modern day technology, and science fiction, then this is definitely a book to consider, when you start reading the first few chapters you may wonder how all of these characters are linked! But without giving too much away, all will become clearer as you continue reading!

This is the first book in the Deep Earth Chronicles, looking forward to see where the next book takes us!

I Enoch Book Information

Book Title : I, Enoch: The Deep Earth Chronicles

Author : Steve Stine

Publisher : Deep Earth Chronicles Publishing

Release Date : 23rd July 2024

Fomats : Paperback, Hardcover and Kindle

About The Author

Steve Stine is a contemporary mythologist who weaves tales through the written word, drawing inspiration from his profound connection with nature nurtured since childhood.

His debut novel, I, Enoch, serves as an imaginal compendium, a rich tapestry woven from his ongoing exploration of the natural world, depth psychology, Eastern philosophies, and global mythologies.

Steve champions the integration of scientific rigor with metaphysical wisdom, firmly believing in the transformative power of narrative storytelling to unlock humanity’s latent potential.

Before embarking on his literary journey, he dedicated 35 years to corporate advisory, leadership, and talent development across the Asia Pacific. He currently resides between the serene landscapes of Bali, Indonesia, and the majestic vistas of Bend, Oregon, with his loving wife and two daughters.

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