Fabulous Family Focused Gardens!

No matter whether you’re looking to splash the cash or save a few pennies it’s easy to create a fabulous family garden! The best thing you can do when it comes to outdoor spaces is to relax, let go of any grand plans for topiary or herbaceous borders and don’t worry about kids getting getting down and dirty in the mud as it’s a valuable learning experience!

It’s also worth considering the number of adult spaces for instance, the outdoor dining area, wood decked pavilion and reading nook. As well as child-friendly areas like the sandpit, space for the kids to grow simple flowers and a square of green lawn for cricket, football and general messing about.

End Zone

The first zone should be toddler centered as its closest to the house should anything happen, it’s also much easier to keep an eye on them from within the kitchen or back door. Further out should be the family zone, where you can still get good Wi-Fi  and there’s some casual seating or a shaded pagoda to relax in. You can place play equipment here too, but so that it’s not seen by everyone you could add in a freestanding trellis or screen. The last zone, usually towards the bottom of the garden is perfect for the vegetable patch, crops or greenhouse. You could also have a hangout spot such as a small shed or purpose built outbuilding for older teens.

Safety Briefing

While health and safety can seem a little tedious, you do need to think about how safe your children are right now and if  improvements, such as repairing fencing, is necessary. Could your child leave the garden if they tried? Hidden fences or low privet hedges lined with chicken wire as well as a small stone wall will keep even the most adventurous child from wandering off. Don’t feel like you need to build a massive wall around the pond! Instead just string some steel safety mesh across its surface so if your son or daughter did fall in they’d be prevented from hitting the water. Don’t forget you can also get child-friendly water pumps as well as pond filters to keep your fish and plants healthy while not emitting too much noise. If possible, try to pick a water filter that’s only active at night while your kids are fast asleep.

Natural Play Equipment

There’s nothing worse than creating a beautiful, luscious natural looking garden than having it spoilt with ugly, brightly colored plastic furniture! Wood based climbing frames aren’t cheap, and you’ll also need to consider which material you’ll place underneath in case someone loses their balance. Safe falls are paramount when it comes to kids so if you’re in any doubt, or the budget just won’t stretch stick to smaller ride-on toys, garden games and take them to a nearby park or playground to swing on the monkey bars. Remember, no matter what you choose to have in your garden the most important thing is that you spend plenty of time with your kids. Showing children that the garden’s a fantastic place will encourage a lifelong friendship with outdoor activities.  


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