With the Easter holidays in full swing, it can only mean one thing, its nearly time for Easter!!
Every Easter morning the children go on an Easter Egg Hunt for all of their eggs that the Easter Bunny has left them, they love the hunt more than the actual chocolate!!
Every year the preschool the children attend have an Easter Fayre the day before, with some kind of competition for the children to enter, this year it is an Easter Bonnet Parade, when a lovely box of Treats arrived from Home Bargains, you can imagine my joy, when I found this in the box…

Eowyn had a lovely time yesterday afternoon decorating her Easter Bonnet with all of the pom poms, feathers and bunnies that were included. Priced at just £3.99, it really is great value and she had a very productive afternoon.
And the finished piece…
Home Bargains have some fabulous Easter decorations too, we have never really decorated the house for easter, but I think it may become a new tradition…
Here are just a few examples of decorations that can be found – please note the chicks are my birthday present and not from Home Bargains!!
Easter Plaque £1.99, Turn left sign 79p, Happy Easter Gift bag 69p, Chick Decoration Set £1.59, Easter Cards (pack of 10) 79p, 4 Bunny decorations 79p, Craft Grass 99p, Easter Bunting 79p, Egg Cozy twinpack 99p.
Both chicks were very keen on the decorations – Eponine (left) and Bubble (right)
They also have some amazing sweet treats that the children all thought were very tasty, I did manage to get a photo before they consumed them all, with the help of a couple more fluffy friends…
Marshmallow Lolly 59p, Shortbread Chick 59p, Pack of 3 Bunnies 49p and Cadburys Heart 49p
Chicks Aurora and Fluffles were most impressed with the sweet treats, both trying to peck the Shortbread Chick!!
The products on this picture lasted a little longer than 5 minutes after I had taken the photo, although I did manage to sneak a couple of Cadburys hearts away to enjoy later.
All of these products can be found at your local Home Bargains store and some of them are available online.
Do you have a favourite Easter Treat ?