Something More

Diagnosed as autistic just before joining a new school, 90s-obsessed Jessie is determined to make a fresh start.

She plans to keep her diagnosis a secret and creates a list of goals to keep her on track–from acquiring two distinct eyebrows to getting a magical first kiss.

But when two very different boys steal her heart, Jessie finds herself re-writing her plans

Something More Review

Reading this book I found myself nodding along with so many of the situations, I could see clear correlations with some of my own children and it gave me a little bit more insight into how certain situations have arisen for them.

Although a Young Adult book, it raised some adult topics, including racism and relationships.

I really enjoyed Something More and am excited to see what Jackie writes next, this is definitely a great book for any parent with a neurodivergent teen trying to navigate the world.

Something More Book Information

Book Title : Something More

Author : Jackie Khalilieh

Publisher : Hashtag BLAK

Release Date : 30th July 2024

Fomats : Hardcover and Paperback

About The Author

Jackie Khalilieh is a Palestinian Canadian writer with a love of Nineties
pop culture, Dad jokes, and warm and fuzzy romance.

Like many autistic females, she received her diagnosis as an adult. She is passionate
about positive representation within her writing.

She currently resides just outside Toronto, Canada with her husband and two daughters, complaining nightly about having to cook dinner. Something More is her debut YA novel.

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