Reasons To Smile Everyday

I have seen lots of posts on social media today that have highlighted how many people are starting to struggle with the lockdown, now it’s been extended.

But for me there hasn’t really been any change, I had already accepted at the very first announcement of shutting down the country that we would be home much longer than 3 weeks, and if i’m totally honest that’s fine with me, I love having all the children at home (and Asa and Bree the Newfie, obviously) I have felt quite lost when it’s just been Bree and I in the house, so I am loving the noise and chaos that a large family brings!

I am still able to talk to my parents on the telephone (they haven’t mastered the art of face timing!) and with my dad in the over 70 age group and with the health issues my mum has been through, I would much rather not see them for a while, than risk their health. Hey, if my mum can have a quadruple bypass, stents in her groin and have half a lung removed, yet still smile through cancer, this is the least we can do to keep her safe.

But enough of the doom and gloom bits, here are just a few reasons that I smile everyday


  • Family

I am very fortunate that I have seven amazing children, that make me smile every single day, from the things they say to the crazy dance moves they come up with, they really are the light in my life, and their dad isn’t so bad either! This year we are celebrating at least five of our birthdays in lockdown, and none of them have moaned or complained, they have just taken it in their stride, and been super understanding if a few of their gifts haven’t arrived on time.

  • Pets

When we lost Merrie in October 2018, I really didn’t think we would consider getting another dog, although we had her for less than a year, she had made such a big impact on our lives, but it also felt extremely empty without a giant puppy inn the house, I am SO glad we made the decision to get Bree, she is just the most crazy, lovable girl, who makes me smile everyday, from her crazy lion growls, to her upside down superhero poses, she ensures the entire family gets out and about, either in the garden or out on a walk, I know she is missing her splash in the sea, but she is loving having every member of the family at home, and we also can’t forget about the chickens, we currently have 13 of them, a mix of boys and girls (but even the cockerels aren’t loud enough to wake up the children!) they are all getting a bit old now, and we are down to only two of them laying eggs intermittently these days!

  • Outdoors

we are very lucky that we have a large garden, so even during lockdown we are able to get outside in the fresh air, the children love to play croquet or badminton, and I am enjoying getting back into gardening, last weekend we moved the entire strawberry patch, planted a herb garden, planted the tomatoes, chillies and peppers in the greenhouse and got the vegetable patch ready for the peas and beans. I have also dug out some flowerbeds and added some new seeds, that will hopefully produce lots of bright colours during the summer.

I am sure there are many more things that make me smile, but these are just a few, what makes you smile everyday ?

this is a collaborative post


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